"I am a man of character" – Dr. Ambedkar Dr. Ambedkar was not only a rebel intellectual but also a great organizer with vision. His organizing skills played a crucial role in the success of all the movements he led. His highly motivational and emotional speeches inculcated discipline among the Depressed Class masses. One such speech he made was when the Independent Labour party observed a one day strike on 7th November, 1938, against the Industrial Disputes bill in Bombay city. Dr. Ambedkar, after victory in the 1937 Bombay Provincial Elections On that day, a few disturbing incidents happened in the city; later the strike enquiry committee made allegations on the cadre and corps of the Independent Labour Party. To refute these allegations Dr. Ambedkar gave an excellent speech in Bombay on 8th January 1939 at the Kamgar Maidan on the occasion of the annual parade of the volunteer corps. Over 2,500 volunteers turned up smartly dressed and over 20,0...
☸️NAMO BUDDHAYA☸️(南无阿弥陀佛) "Be A Light Unto Yourself" "PATH TO NIRVANA" "Nibbana is the highest bliss." ☸️🙏Nam mô A Di Đà Phật🙏☸️