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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Ten Powers of a Buddha:

The Ten Powers of a Buddha: (1) Omniscience Today we will look at the Ten Powers of a Buddha. A Buddha is an Enlightened being who, first of all, possesses a `complete awareness.` When someone came to see Buddha Shakyamuni, the Buddha would soon perceive the entire history of that person from beginning to end. This signifies a complete knowledge of the workings of the Universe. This kind of ability is one of the manifestations of the wisdom-power of the Buddha. (2) Knowledge of the Karma of Every Being The second power is `knowledge of the karma of every being, past, present, and future.` This is really an extension of the first power. How does the Buddha find out about one`s previous incarnations? Through bodily signs. Every person has signs on his or her body revealing past and future incarnations. This knowledge becomes available when one develops the Buddha wisdom. As I have said before, all of you are, in my eyes, `antiques` [audience laughter] although most of you a