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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Shakespeare is still considered the greatest writer of the English language. He was able to capture the human emotion and that is why his works have stood the test of time when many others have been forgotten. He has create passages and works that almost everyone in the world can recognize even if they don’t know Shakespeare very well because he is that well known. William Shakespeares works: Scholars distinguish three periods in William Shakespeares works. The first period (roughly from 1590 to 1594), during which he wrote mainly gay comedies and dramatic histories. This is the period of optimism of William Shakespeare. The middle period (roughly from 1600 to 1608), during which he wrote great tragedies and bitter comedies. This is the period of maturity of William Shakespeare. The late period (roughly from 1609 to 1612), during which he wrote legendary and lyrical plays, and tragic comedies. Tragedies Shakespeare wrote eleven tragedies b

Real charity

Real Charity You perform real charity if you can give freely without expecting anything in return. The essence of true charity is to give something without expecting anything in return for the gift. If a person expects some material benefit to arise from his gift, he is only performing an act of bartering and not charity. A charitable person should not make other people feel indebted to him or use charity as a way of exercising control over them. He should not even expect others to be grateful, for most people are forgetful though not necessarily ungrateful. The act of true charity is wholesome, has no strings attached, and leaves both the giver and the recipient free. The meritorious deed of charity is highly praised by every religion. Those who have enough to maintain themselves should think of others and extend their generosity deserving cases. Among people who practise charity, there are some who give as a means of attracting others into their religion or creed. Such

The story of a brahmin

The Story of a Brahmin  Once, there was a brahmin who was in the habit of going round for alms. One day, he thought, "Samana Gotama has declared that one who lives by going round for alms is a bhikkhu. That being so, I should also be called a bhikkhu." So thinking, he went to the Buddha and said to him that he (the brahmin) should also be called a bhikkhu, because he also went round for alms-food. To him the Buddha replied, "Brahmin, I do not say that you are a bhikkhu simply because you go round for alms-food. One who professes a wrong faith and acts accordingly is not to be called a bhikkhu. Only he who lives meditating on the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and insubstantiality of the aggregates is to be called a bhikkhu." Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows: Verse 266. He does not become a bhikkhu merely because he stands at the door for alms. He cannot become a bhikkhu because he acts according to a faith which is not in conformity wi