THE WAY TO BEYOND CRITICISM (It is one of the best sutta .please read it with patience) 12. Rāsiya sutta Then Rāsiya the chief went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him: “Sir, I have heard this: ‘The ascetic Gotama criticizes all forms of mortification. He categorically condemns and him with an untruth? Is their explanation in line with the teaching? Are there any legitimate grounds for rebuke and criticism?” “Chief, those who say this do not repeat what I have said. They misrepresent me with what is false, baseless, and untrue. These two extremes should not be cultivated by one who has gone forth. Indulgence in sensual pleasures, which is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. And indulgence in self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, and pointless. Avoiding these two extremes, the Realized One woke up by understanding the middle way, which gives vision and knowledge, and leads to peace, direct knowledge, awakening, and ext...
☸️NAMO BUDDHAYA☸️(南无阿弥陀佛) "Be A Light Unto Yourself" "PATH TO NIRVANA" "Nibbana is the highest bliss." ☸️🙏Nam mô A Di Đà Phật🙏☸️