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Buddha teachings

The Story of Thera Tissa 
When the Buddha declared that in 'four months' time he would realize parinibbana, many puthujjana bhikkhus were apprehensive. They were at a loss and did not know what to do, and so they kept close to the Buddha.
But Thera Tissa, having resolved that he would attain arahatship in the life-time of the Buddha did not go to him, but left for a secluded place to practise meditation.
Other bhikkhus, not understanding his behaviour, took him to the Buddha and said, "Venerable Sir, this bhikkhu does not seem to cherish and honour you; he only keeps to himself instead of coming to your presence."
Thera Tissa then explained to them that he was striving hard to attain arahatship before the Buddha realized parinibbana, and that was the only reason why he had not come to see the Buddha.
Having heard his explanation, the Buddha said to the bhikkhus, "Bhikkhus! Those who love and respect me should act like Tissa. You are not paying homage to me by just offering me flowers, perfumes and incense. You pay homage to me only by practising the Lokuttara Dhamma, i.e., Insight Meditation."
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Verse 205: Having had the taste of solitude and the taste of Perfect Peace of Nibbana, one who drinks in the joy of the essence of the Dhamma is free from fear and evil.
At the end of the discourse Thera Tissa attained Sotapatti Fruition.


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