Title- Associates of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma s ) Bodhipakkhiya is the combination of the Pali words: Bodhi, pakkha and iya . Bodhi means Magga-nana or Enlightenment of the Four Ariya Truths. Bodhipakkhiya means the components or associates of Enlightenment. Mindfulness (Sati), effort (viriya), etc., are called the factors associated with Enlightenment. The Bodhipakkhiya dhammas consist of Thirteen-Seven Factors, namely: The 4 foundations of mindfulness (Satipatthana), The 4 supreme efforts (Sammappadhana), The 4 bases of accomplishment (Iddhipada), The 5 faculties (Indriya), The 5 powers (Bala), The 7 factors of enlightenment (Bhojjhanga) and The 8 constituents of the path (magganga). Explanation of the 4 foundations of mindfulness (Satipatthana) Satipatthana means mindfulness or heedfulness which is firmly established on its objects....
☸️NAMO BUDDHAYA☸️(南无阿弥陀佛) "Be A Light Unto Yourself" "PATH TO NIRVANA" "Nibbana is the highest bliss." ☸️🙏Nam mô A Di Đà Phật🙏☸️