The Aryan Eightfold Path
"And what, bhikkhus, is right doing?
'He that is calmly contemplative and aware, he dwelleth at ease.' So does he enter into and abides in the Third jhāna. And further, by putting aside ease and by putting aside mal-arise, by the passing away of the happiness and of the melancholy he used to feel, he enters into and abides in the Fourth jhāna, rapture of utter purity of mindfulness and equanimity, wherein neither ease is felt nor any ill. This is what is called right rapture.
" This , bhikkhus, is the Aryan Trust concerning the Way leading to the cessation of Ill."
- "And what, bhikkhus, is the Aryan Trust concerning the Way that leads to the Cessation of Ill?
- "This is that Arayan Eightfold Path, to wit, right view, right aspirations, right speech, right doing, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right rapture.
"And what, bhikkhus, is right view? " Knowledge, bhikkhus, about Ill, knowledge about the coming to be of Ill, knowledge about the cessation of Ill, knowledge about the way leads to the cessation of Ill, This is called right view.
”And what, bhikkhus, is right aspirations?
"The aspirations towards renunciation, the aspirations towards benevolence, the aspiration towards kindness. This is what is called right aspirations.
"And what, bhikkhus, is right speech?
"Abstaining from lying, slander, abuse, and idle talk. This is what is called right speech.
"And what, bhikkhus, is right doing?
"Abstaining from taking life, from taking what is not given, from carnal indulgence. This is what is called right doing.
"And what, bhikkhus, is right livelihood?
"Herein, O bhikkhus, the Aryan disciple having put away wrong livelihood, supports himself by right livelihood."And what, bhikkhus, is right effort?
"Herein, O bhikkhus, a brother makes effort in bringing forth will that evil and bad states that have not arisen within him may not arisen, to that end he stirs up energy, he grips and forces his mind. That he may put away evil and bad states that have arisen within him he puts forth will, he makes effort, he stirs up energy, he grips and forces his mind. That good states which have not arisen may arise he put forth will, he makes effort, he stirs up energy, he grips and forces his mind. That good states which have arisen may persist, may not grow blurred, may multiply, grow abundant, develop and come to perfection, he put forth will, he makes effort, he stirs up, he grips and forces his mind this is what called right effort."And what, bhikkhus is Right mindfulness?
" Herein, O bhikkhus, a brother, as to the body, continues so to look upon the body, that he remains ardent, self-possessed and mindful, having overcome both the hankering and the dejection common in the world. And in the same way as to feelings, thoughts and ideas, he so looks upon each, that he remains ardent, self - possessed and mindful, having overcome the hankering and dejection that is common in the world. This is what is called right mindfulness."And what, bhikkhus, is right rapture?
"Herein, O bhikkhus, a brother, aloof from sensuous appetites, aloof from evil ideas, enters into and abides in the first jhāna, wherein there is cogitation and deliberation, which is born of solitude and is full of joy and ease. Suppressing cogitation and deliberation, he enters into and abides in the Second jhāna, which is self-evoked, born of concentration, full of joy and ease, in that, set free from cogitation and deliberation, the mind grows calm and sure, dwelling on high. And further, disenchanted with joy, he abides calmly contemplative while, mindful and self- possessed, he feels in his body that ease whereof Aryan declare'He that is calmly contemplative and aware, he dwelleth at ease.' So does he enter into and abides in the Third jhāna. And further, by putting aside ease and by putting aside mal-arise, by the passing away of the happiness and of the melancholy he used to feel, he enters into and abides in the Fourth jhāna, rapture of utter purity of mindfulness and equanimity, wherein neither ease is felt nor any ill. This is what is called right rapture.
" This , bhikkhus, is the Aryan Trust concerning the Way leading to the cessation of Ill."
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