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Dr. B.R.Ambedkar is The Father Of All Feminist


I see, so called Indian feminists never recognise Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as a women liberator.

Dr.Ambedkar who alone, fought to get our parliament to pass the Hindu code bill, which would have granted equal rights to Hindu  woman denied to them by tradition and  religious practices.

The Hindu Code Bill was blocked by upper caste brahmins and Hindu extremists and the right wing.

Baba Saheb Ambedkar was the great liberator of Indian womanhood. He designed the Hindu Code Bill to liberate Hindu woman. Dr.Ambedkar resigned from the Cabinet as the first Law Minister of independent India for the cause of women. That was his unique sacrifice for  the women.

Dr.Ambedkar was asking maternity for every women not only for dalit women's. Equal rights for every women not only for dalit women's.

Though the Constitution has given equal rights to women yet we all know the sad plight of the girl child. She is killed when in the womb; she is abducted and raped; acid is thrown on her face or she is set on fire ; she is kept away from the school as well as from the hospital; she is burnt for dowry and she is made a sati (burnt alive)!

 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is the only " Champion of
women's Rights in India ". He strived
hard for liberation and empowerment
of Indian women and framed many
laws for women's rights in India like...

*Women labour welfare fund 
*Dearness allowances
*Provident fund act
*Women and child labour protection act
*Maternity benefit for women labour bill
*Divorce act
*Right to Property for women
*Leave benefit to piece workers
*Revision of scale of pay for Employees
* Restoration of ban on women working underground in mines etc

Dr. Ambedkar was instrumental in
bringing about several women
reforms in India.

Before D.R. B.R.AMBEDKAR's constitution, It was very easy for a women to be kept as a slave, girl child infanticide and to burnt woman alive was very easy. But .. By burning "Manusmriti" Dr.Ambedkar openly challenged the dark clouds of Hinduism, in favour of Womanhood.
By Writing India's Constitution, He gave a new life to the Women's of this country. And this is the major reason,  Why he is the most hated person in the Country...

Jaibhim Jaibharth 🙏

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