:: 1. What is Religion? :: 1. The word " religion " is an indefinite word with no fixed meaning. 2. It is one word with many meanings. 3. This is because religion has passed through many stages. The concept at each stage is called Religion though the concept at one stage has not had the same meaning which it had at the preceding stage or is likely to have at the succeeding stage. 4. The conception of religion was never fixed. 5. It has varied from time to time. 6. Because most of the phenomena such as lightning, rain and floods, the occurrence of which the primitive man could not explain, any weird performance done to control the phenomenon was called magic. Religion therefore came to be identified with magic. 7. Then came the second stage in the evolution of religion. In this stage religion came to be identified with beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, prayers and sacrifices. 8. But this conception of religion is derivative. 9. The pivotal point in religion...
☸️NAMO BUDDHAYA☸️(南无阿弥陀佛) "Be A Light Unto Yourself" "PATH TO NIRVANA" "Nibbana is the highest bliss." ☸️🙏Nam mô A Di Đà Phật🙏☸️