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Naga loka fracted history and forgotten glory of the bahujana

Teachings of the Buddha

🏵  Cultivating the Bodhi Path   🏵 ~ By Venerable Master Hsuan Hua ~ At all times be attentive; at all times be cautious. Do not slack off for even a single second. Leave no good undone, no matter how small; and do no evil, no matter how minute. Diligently cultivate the Bodhi Path; purify and transform the gates of the three karmas. Increase your blessings and wisdom, plant and nurture your good roots. Irrigate the field of mind; moisten and nourish your body with virtue so that you can withstand unforeseen misfortunes. Take them in stride and remain unmoved; understand and recognize them so that no anger arises. A verse says, The great Path of Bodhi is straight as can be. Do not be crooked or rely on luck. With a true mind seek the Dharma, there will certainly be a response. Going through the motions halfheartedly, you are just wasting time. Use courage, vigor and patience; never retreat. Giving and holding Precepts garners wisdom. One day you will perfect the param

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

The First Discourse of The Buddha Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Exalted One was residing at the Deer  Park,2 in Isipatana,3 near Benares. Thereupon the Exalted One  addressed the group of five Bhikkhus as follows: “There are these two extremes (antā), O Bhikkhus, which  should be avoided by one who has renounced (pabbajitena) – (i) Indulgence in sensual pleasures4 – this is base, vulgar,  worldly, ignoble and profitless; and, (ii) Addiction to self-mortification5 – this is painful, igno- ble and profitless. Abandoning both these extremes the Tathāgata6 has com- .Subhakinna, Vehapphala, Aviha, Atappa, Sudassa, Sudassi, and  Akanittha, also raised the same joyous cry. Thus at that very moment, at that very instant, this cry ex- tended as far as the Brahma realm. These ten thousand world  systems quaked, tottered and trembled violently. A radiant light, surpassing the effulgence of the gods, ap- peared in